
Hi, I'm Vishodu Shaozae

I design, deploy and manage solutions.

About Me

I'm a DevOps engineer living in Bangalore, interested in streamlining software to enhance people's lives. I'm currently founding a project in stealth, as well as contributing to an Open Source Project called Img-Dash that enables cloud companies to manage their VM resources better.

I previously worked at To The New, where I architected cloud solutions to optimise infrastructures for major MNCs. I started on the software development side, understanding the pipelines for developers, then moved into the world of cloud and DevOps where I honed my problem-solving skills and applied them in my approach to cloud solutions.

As an engineer, I enjoy the process of learning and hyperfocusing on solutions. I value gritty optimisations backed by resourcefulness.

Outside of engineering, I love food in all capacities. I spend my time cooking new dishes and talking about my next meal. I also obsess about Tottenham Hotspur, well-executed animated sequences, and Xbox.

If you want to chat, feel free to reach out.


To The New, Noida, India

  • Cloud DevOps Engineer January 2021 - Dec 2023

Undertook the role of DevOps engineer and progressed towards L3 support while leading a team of DevOps engineers where I also consulted multiple clients and handled escalations.

  • Developed in-house specialised solutions for enterprise-grade CMS applications in multi-cloud environments that were scaled to 10+ million users.
  • Managed and mentored a team of DevOps engineers to support a major client under the managed services umbrella.
  • Implemented complete migration of legacy technologies to serverless with 100% uptime.
  • Designed and managed multi-tier hybrid application infrastructure with complete DevOps lifecycle management practices.
  • Created and executed optimisation strategies for clients, reducing cloud costs and automating cloud operations to reduce manual work hours.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to maintain cloud security best practices as a client facing entity.

To The New, Noida, India

  • Software Engineer February 2020 - January 2021

Served as a SDE for a client service technology company providing digitisation to enterprise clients, where I worked on client timelines and deliverables.

  • Developed scalable and high-performance components under Java Management Extensions (JMX) architecture for a flagship Govt. of India initiative.
  • Implemented caching techniques for Adobe AEM architecture, resulting in improved application performance.
  • Operated within a CI/CD environment to automate build and deployment processes for a leading domestic Life Insurance company.

GeeksforGeeks, Noida, India

  • Summer Internship (12-week program) May 2019 - July 2019

Operated as a technical scripter for a computer science portal, where I learned to perform in a professional capacity within the IT sector.

  • Created 50+ detailed design documentations, well-documented code, and guidelines utilised by the company and its platform.
  • Developed, tested, and validated 25+ LINUX-centric components to be published globally.

Current Project

As a DevOps engineer, managing VM images across AWS, Azure, and GCP was an inconvenient task. The problem was just annoying enough to bother me consistently, but not frustrating enough for businesses to invest significant effort into solving it. Since no one else had tackled it the way I wanted, I decided to build it myself.

To scratch this itch, I developed Img-Dash, a centralized dashboard that simplifies VM image management. Img-Dash fetches and stores image data, tracks VM usage, and allows you to manage contextual information effortlessly.

Built with Python (Flask) and React (Vite) for fast shipping and containerized with Docker for ease of usage.

To get started, configure your environment variables and run the application using Docker. Img-Dash will be accessible locally, providing a unified interface to manage your VM images efficiently.

For more details, check out the GitHub repository.

Other Projects

Hyper Parameter optimisation in near real time for Blind Source Separation

Blind Source Separation performed on multi-dimensional data to remove disturbances from images using Neural Network. We aimed to find an optimised value of the parameter and increase the processing speed of Blind Source Separation algorithm using parallel processing.

Indian Sign Language translation using Convolutional Neural Network

Developed a real-time application using machine learning to translate Indian sign language gestures captured via webcam, achieving 90% accuracy in predicting sign language alphabets.

OCR engine-based Android application to solve mathematical equations in real time

A simple, user-friendly Android application that solves mathematical equations in real time using our custom variant of Tesseract (an open-source OCR engine).

Other Publications

Simplified AEM Automation with cURL and RUBY

Administrators often require automation in AEM tasks. Leveraging the RESTful nature of its Sling framework, cURL simplifies automation. Here we take an in-depth look at its workings and shortcomings, as well as RUBY being a viable substitution.

HTL: A beautiful template language

Previously known as “Sightly”, HTL replaced JSP in AEM 6.0 as the preferred HTML templating language. We take a look at what makes it better.


I also write technical blogs (mostly) in my free time

Feel free to check them out


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Designed, developed, and deployed by Vishodu Shaozae.